“Value on Arrival”


Involves an estimation of what the goods would sell for in whatever condition they would be in on arrival at destination. An additional circumstance (not mentioned in Clause 13) which may also found a claim for a Constructive Total Loss, is set out in section 60(2)(i) of the Marine Insurance Act: “where the assured is

“Value on Arrival”2011-06-12T18:28:58+01:00

Frustration of the Voyage or Adventure


“Any claim based upon loss of or frustration of the voyage or adventure” This clause was “undoubtedly invented from a desire to abrogate the effect of a case where only the adventure was affected by the peril, the goods being unaffected”. The case is commented, and it will be remembered that the declaration of war

Frustration of the Voyage or Adventure2011-06-12T08:27:45+01:00

“… the duty of the Assured and their servants and agents”


This expression is wider than appears at first sight.  Under English law the master of a ship is invested with wide duties and responsibilities to take care of the goods entrusted to his charge.  These duties derive in part under the law of bailment, since a shipowner who receives the goods for carriage is a

“… the duty of the Assured and their servants and agents”2011-06-12T08:00:46+01:00

Εφαρμογή κανόνων Χάγης – Βίσμπυ (Νομολογία)


Εφετείο Πειραιώς 792/2010 Πρόεδρος: Παρέσσα Τσαντεκίδου Εισηγητής: Εμμανουήλ Βασιλάκης Δικηγόροι: Πολύχρονης Περιβολάρης, Νικόλαος Μπαρτζής Θαλάσσια μεταφορά σιταριού από τη Ρωσία στη Χαλκίδα. Εφαρμογή κανόνων Χάγης - Βίσμπυ. Αδικοπρακτική ευθύνη νομικού προσώπου για τις πράξεις ή παραλείψεις των οργάνων που το αντιπροσωπεύουν. Προϋποθέσεις: α) Η πράξη ή παράλειψη να μην συνιστά αδικοπραξία αλλά να παράγει υποχρέωση

Εφαρμογή κανόνων Χάγης – Βίσμπυ (Νομολογία)2011-06-05T21:22:15+01:00

“non-delivery of cargo”


“non-delivery of an entire package” Many cargo assured are under the impression that the inclusion of this risk in their policy entitles them to claim for any loss (of an entire package) which has occurred at any time, and from any cause, during the voyage. This is not so, as the following examples should make

“non-delivery of cargo”2011-06-05T18:30:20+01:00

“averting or minimising loss”


“for the purpose of averting or minimising such loss” This means a loss (or damage) for which the underwriters would respond under the policy, thus reproducing the effect of section 78(3) of the Marine Insurance Act, which states: “expenses incurred for the purpose of averting or diminishing any loss not covered by the policy are

“averting or minimising loss”2011-06-05T18:03:56+01:00

Οδική Μεταφορά – CMR – Ανάλυση


  ΟΔΙΚΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑ Η συνθήκη αυτή αφορά την σύμβαση για την διεθνή οδική μεταφορά πραγμάτων, τη γνωστή ως CMR, που υπεγράφη στην Γενεύη στις 19 Μαΐου 1956 και παρέμεινε ανοιχτή προς υπογραφή για τις χώρες που ανήκαν στο οικονομικό μπλοκ της Ευρώπης. Η συνθήκη ήρθε σε ισχύ μετά την 90η ημέρα με την υπογραφή και

Οδική Μεταφορά – CMR – Ανάλυση2011-05-29T10:59:56+01:00

Carriage by Road – CMR – Analysis


Historically, this is not so in the case of common carriers, who may be defined as those who declare themselves ready to accept for carriage goods of a general nature and over general routes.  Such carriers are bound to accept goods of a usual nature provided that they have space and vehicles suitable and are

Carriage by Road – CMR – Analysis2011-05-29T09:43:14+01:00

Allelopathy in Perishable Foods and Plants


Allelopathy is understood to mean the influence exerted by vegetable products (fruits) on other plants or plants of the same species through the gases they give off, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), ethylene (ethene, C2H4) and aromatic substances, which reach their peak in particular at the climacteric (=time of maximum respiration). A concentration of 0.02%

Allelopathy in Perishable Foods and Plants2011-05-29T06:36:53+01:00

Risk Management in Supply- Chain


TRADE DISRUPTION INSURANCE The effectiveness of Trade Disruption Insurance (TDI) as a form of risk management in supply-chain security. An Effective Solution Against Supply-Chain Security Risk.     Trade disruption insurance,(TDI) protects against loss of profits and extra expenses arising from an insured event in the assured's supply chains. The uniqueness of TDI is that

Risk Management in Supply- Chain2011-05-28T18:51:24+01:00
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