Salvage Agreements in dispute


Shipowners can bind cargo owners to arbitration in salvage agreements Background A shipowner or master can bind cargo owners to arbitration where it is offered in a salvage agreement (under the Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage Agreement (LOF 2000)). The shipowner's or master's authority derives from the London International Salvage Convention (1989), ratified by both

Salvage Agreements in dispute2011-05-26T21:07:42+01:00

Food, Beverage & Wine


Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of food safety and food quality issues. This has led many suppliers, processors and distributors to put in place comprehensive and costly measures to protect brand reputation.     However, companies still rely on traditional insurance coverage to protect what are unique risks. The Food and Beverage Policy provides seamless coverage

Food, Beverage & Wine2011-05-23T13:37:29+01:00

Excess Stock Insurance


Do you have a large commercial client with high stock values? Do you have limited capacity in your local insurance markets? The answer is an Excess Stock insurance policy which incorporates a method of structuring the risk so that each policy provides a 'layer' of coverage.In essence, a primary layer of coverage may be purchased

Excess Stock Insurance2011-05-22T10:03:25+01:00

Deductible Buy-down


Question: Why should I have to carry a higher deductible than I am financially comfortable with? Answer: You do not have to! Have you ever been asked this question by one of your clients? Well now you have the answer. Greenwoods, has identified this potential risk and has designed a specialist program which brings the

Deductible Buy-down2011-05-22T09:32:34+01:00

Equipment Physical Damage


Where clients are operating in all aspects of the oilfield and energy environment, there are hazardous and often unforeseen risks to such specialist equipment.               We have grown our knowledge over many years working closely with all sections of the industry, from specialist contractors to global corporations. Based on

Equipment Physical Damage2011-05-22T09:12:54+01:00

Trade Disruption


With "just-in-time" delivery becoming more crucial, there is no room for delay and disruption to supply chains. Trade Disruption Insurance (TDI) has been developed to fill the coverage gap and provide protection against financial losses throughout the supply chain.         Where traditional Cargo policies will only cover losses resulting from physical damage.

Trade Disruption2011-05-22T08:11:41+01:00

Trucking & Transportation a Comprehensive Cover


Greenwoods Cargo team has developed a range of solutions for Trucking business which includes: 1. Motor Truck Cargo Liability insurance (MTC) 2. Auto Physical Damage insurance (APD)         or a combination of both.       For large fleets or difficult to place risks we have excess markets enabling us to provide

Trucking & Transportation a Comprehensive Cover2011-05-22T07:17:42+01:00

War, Terrorism and Political Risks


Greenwoods believe in supporting its clients with products that enable them to trade wherever in the world they choose to do business. By reducing the financial impact of these risks we are able to facilitate world trade. In an ever-changing world we must not forget that our clients are subject to the risks resulting from

War, Terrorism and Political Risks2011-05-21T22:53:39+01:00

Αναρμοδιότητα των Δικαστηρίων (Νομολογία)


ΤΟ ΜΟΝΟΜΕΛΕΣ ΠΡΩΤΟΔΙΚΕΙΟ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΩΣ (Τακτική Διαδικασία) Συνεδρίασε δημόσια στο ακροατήριο του, στις 5 Μαΐου 2009, για να δικάσει την υπόθεση μεταξύ:         Α)   Της ενάγουσας: Ανώνυμης Εταιρείας με την επωνυμία «ΓΚ Α.Ε.» που εδρεύει στην Αττική, και εκπροσωπείται νόμιμα, η οποία παραστάθηκε δια του πληρεξουσίου της δικηγόρου της. Των εναγομένων: 1)       Της

Αναρμοδιότητα των Δικαστηρίων (Νομολογία)2011-05-20T22:33:23+01:00

Stock Throughput


In the simplest terms, a Stock Throughput policy combines the worldwide transit and inventory exposures of a client into one policy. Among the many benefits of this approach are: ■  Global "All Risks" cover for all raw materials, work in progress and finished stock during transit, manufacture and storage, eliminating potential coverage gaps between separate

Stock Throughput2011-05-17T21:05:01+01:00
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