Force Majeure Clauses under Libyan Law


This article first appeared in Law-Now, CMS Cameron McKenna's free online information service, and has been reproduced with their permission.  For more information about Law-Now, please go to Special Considerations for Force Majeure Clauses under Libyan Law Recent civil unrest and violence in Libya raises grave political and humanitarian concerns. The uncertainty within the

Force Majeure Clauses under Libyan Law2011-03-09T22:34:47+00:00



η προστασία του ανθρώπου και του περιβάλλοντος είναι μια επιτακτική ανάγκη και επιβάλλεται να τηρηθεί με κάθε ευλάβεια. Πάνε πάνω από 40 χρόνια τώρα, που παράλληλα με τις ομάδες εργασίας του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών και του International Maritime Organization για την κατάταξη των επικίνδυνων εμπορευμάτων την ομαλή και ασφαλή διακίνηση και αποθήκευση των και η

ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝ – ΠΟΙΟΤΗΤΑ – ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑ2011-03-02T21:07:13+00:00



Ηλίας Σύριος & Συνεργάτες Ilias Syrios & Associates Η ΕΥΘΥΝΗ ΤΩΝ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΤΗ ΚΑΙ LOGISTICIAN ΚΑΘΩΣ ΚΑΙ ΤΩΝ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΕΑ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΡΑΓΓΕΛΙΟΔΟΧΟΥ ΣΤΗΝ ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΕΘΝΗ ΟΔΙΚΗ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑ. Στη σύμβαση μεταφοράς εμπλέκονται τα εξής βασικά πρόσωπα: αποστολέας (ή φορτωτής), μεταφορέας (ή αγωγιάτης) και παρα­λήπτης. Περαιτέρω είναι δυνατόν να παρεμβληθεί και ένα ακόμα πρόσωπο ο παραγγελιοδόχος μεταφο­ράς, ο


Loss of Jack-Up Rig under Tow


Commercial Court The issue has recently come up for consideration again in the long running case. The claim concerned the loss of a jack-up rig being towed on a barge from Galveston to Malaysia. The jack-up rig design allows a working platform to be floated into position and jacked up on cylindrical legs, to suit

Loss of Jack-Up Rig under Tow2011-02-22T21:27:27+00:00

The Burden of Proving


Who Bears The Burden of Proving The Cause of Cargo Damage? Where goods are shown to have been loaded in good condition and discharged in damaged condition, it is well established that it is for the carrier to establish that the loss was sustained through a cause for which it is not responsible. In this

The Burden of Proving2011-02-22T20:26:18+00:00

Shipbuilding Contract Disputes


Buyer Entitled to Refund of Advance Payments under Shipbuilding Contract: Seller’s Claim Time-Barred In this shipbuilding contract dispute, the Commercial Court judge, Mr. Justice Steel, reinforced that "it is vital from the buyer's viewpoint to ensure that the contract incorporates a mechanism by which his advances can be recovered simply and quickly should the builder

Shipbuilding Contract Disputes2011-02-22T19:53:04+00:00



The term logistics comes from the Greek logos (λόγος), meaning “speech, reason, ratio, rationality, language, phrase”


Ship Builders’ Risks


Co-Insurance and Waiver of Liability Where a Claimant (A) sues Defendant (B) the latter may deny liability on the grounds of lack of any wrongdoing. Alternatively, B may accept liability for breach of duty but he may contend that the loss was, at least in part, also the result of wrongdoing on the part of

Ship Builders’ Risks2011-02-18T20:05:20+00:00



Insurance is one of the most significant issues impacting a third party business relationship. Unfortunately, insurance as it pertains to the warehouse industry is often subject to misunderstanding by the depositor, the warehouseman and even the insurance provider. As such, it is important to understand the following regarding insurance and the warehouse industry: Although the


Freight Forwarding


Freight Forwarding Services FIATA Model Rules PART I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Applicability 1.1. These Rules apply when they are incorporated; however this is made, in writing, orally or otherwise, into a contract by referring to the FIATA Rules for Freight Forwarding Services. 1.2. Whenever such reference is made, the parties agree that these Rules shall

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