1306, 2012

Marine Claims Department

By |Marine Claims|

It must be emphasised that not all claims received in the offices of insurers originate through the intermediary of brokers. A considerable number of cargo claims is sent directly to the Underwriters, mainly, of course, where a Company has a

906, 2012

Claims handling procedure

By |Marine Claims|

Where a claim is forwarded to a broker for collection a file will normally be made out, and some procedure must be adopted for regulation and control. Of course, the actual method will vary from one broker to another, but

3005, 2012

Piracy an old story in Modern Era

By |Various Cases|

Introduction Approximately 80% of world trade currently travels by sea, representing around 93,000 merchant vessels, 1.25 million seafarers, and almost six billion tons of cargo. Since the end of the Second World War, seaborne trade has doubled every decade. In

2605, 2012

Marine Insurance “The Contract”

By |Legal Cases|

Non-disclosure and Misrepresentation. One of the foundations of contract is the general principle that there is no obligation to speak within the context of negotiations for an ordinary commercial contract. There are countless cases within the principle of caveat emptor

2605, 2012

Marine Insurance “The Contract”

By |Legal Cases|

The principle of good faith It must be borne in mind that all contracts are based upon mutuality of understanding and while the assured is entitled to every penny in settlement of an admissible claim, so is the insurer entitled

2204, 2012

Cargo Underwriting

By |Marine Cargo Insurance|

It is probably a fair statement to say that subrogation involves the cargo market more actively than other branches of marine insurance, and there is accordingly a need for the claims practitioner engaged in that field to understand the relationship

2901, 2012


By |Legal Cases|

Παραγραφή. Απόρριψη αγωγής του υποκατασταθέντος ασφαλιστή Εθνική μεταφορά πραγμάτων πλειόνων παραληπτών (συλλογική μεταφορά) από την Αθήνα στην Πάτρα εφαρμογή του ΕμπΝ. Ασφαλιστική υποκατάσταση. Η εξάμηνη παραγραφή του άρθρου 107 ΕμπΝ δεν συμπληρώνεται κατά την διάταξη του άρθρου 14 παρ. 5

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