Liberties Clause (Cl 18) Vs MIA article 48
Clause 18. It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable dispatch in all circumstances within their control. It is here to be noted that this protection is automatically provided without requiring the assured to
Το όραμα των Lloyd’s για το 2025
Τη στρατηγική τους για τα επόμενα ανακοίνωσαν οι Lloyd’s, «ποντάροντας» στις αναπτυσσόμενες αγορές στις οποίες σκοπεύουν μέχρι το 2025 να έχουν το ενα τέταρτο των ακαθάριστων εγγεγραμμένων ασφαλίστρων τους. Η εταιρεία δημοσίευσε πρόσφατα το τριετές σχέδιο από το 2013 έως
Προσυμβατική Υποχρέωση Αναγγελίας στη Θαλάσσια Ασφάλιση
Ένα από τα κυριότερα χαρακτηριστικά κάθε σύμβασης θαλάσσιας ασφάλισης, που διέπεται από το αγγλικό δίκαιο, είναι το δικαίωμα του ασφαλιστή να αποφύγει τις υποχρεώσεις του στην περίπτωση που ο ασφαλισμένος απέκρυψε ή παραποίησε ουσιώδη περιστατικά (non-disclosure και misrepresentation). Δεν είναι
Π Ο Ι Ο Τ Η Τ Α και M E T Ρ Α Α Σ Φ Α Λ Ε Ι Α Σ στα Δ Η Μ Ο Σ Ι Α Ε Ρ Γ Α και στις Κ Α Τ
“short-delivery” and “non-delivery”
Distinction between the terms "short-delivery" and "non-delivery" is not purely academic because both risks are not always insured together. In fact, there is a special Institute Clause covering the risks of theft, pilferage and non-delivery, for use with the present
THE TRANSIT CLAUSE The insurance under the revised Institute Cargo Clauses covers the goods from the time they leave the shelf until completion of unloading. This period may be described, so far as necessary, as the insured "movement", which is
First a definition of political risk: "Risk arising from political action directed deliberately or inadvertently at individuals, companies, other organizations or governments." Then an attempt to classify risks into three categories, direct risks (those aimed at the target person or
The General Rule of pre-risk Disclosures
The general principle is that any special characteristic of the cargo is material if it will make it more difficult to assess the extent of the loss. Such disclosure may prompt the underwriter to restrict the offer of cover to
THE TRANSIT CLAUSE The insurance under the revised Institute Cargo Clauses covers the goods from the time they leave the shelf until completion of unloading. This period may be described, so far as necessary, as the insured "movement", which is