“Groupage” and old story
Carriage of small parcels has been in existence since merchant shipping started. Earlier, small parcels were transported by sea in break bulk mode as general cargoes. All this changed with the advent of containerization. Gradually, the entire liner trade moved
RISK MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVE RISK FINANCING DISASTER RECOVERY PLANNING 1. Introduction Risk management is a wide-ranging discipline, which is not confined to insurable risks. It is essential therefore, for the construction industry to practice its own risk management, quite apart from
ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΩΝ ΕΝΑΛΛΑΚΤΙΚΗ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΚΙΝΔΥΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΔΙΑΣΜΟΣ ΕΠΑΝΑΚΑΜΨΗΣ ΑΠΟ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΕΣ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ Η διαχείριση του κίνδυνου είναι ένας ευρέως εκτεινόμενος κλάδος, που δεν περιορίζεται σε ασφαλίσιμους κινδύνους. Υπολογίζεται ότι σε κάθε ασφαλιστικό κίνδυνο αντιστοιχούν οκτώ μη ασφαλιστικά γεγονότα που πρέπει να θεωρηθούν
Are You Adequately Covered?
All Forwarding companies must assume some liability for the transported items. Insurance is always a complicated topic, but it's important to understand the coverage you have during your transit. It's not fun to find out your items are not fully
“Force Majeure”
Frustration and "Force Majeure" A review of the modern common law doctrine of frustration in the context of contract law. The doctrine of frustration arises out of a need for the recognition that it may not always be possible to
Does the Contract of Insurance “Matched” the Contract of Carriage?
An Unremarkable Decision? Should the Freight Forwarder “match” his exposures with his Insurance Cover? In April 2010, the Court of Appeal granted an appeal of a decision which at first glance may appear to be of limited application to
Owners Liability
Tribunal considers issues of causation in the context of Owners’ liability for delay arising out of damage to cargo In London Arbitration 22/10 ((2010) 809 LMLN 1), Charterers claimed against Owners for damages arising out of damage caused to the
Disclosed Material Facts
MIA 1906 s 39 Commercial Court rejects attempt by an insurer to avoid a policy on the grounds of failure on the part of the insured to disclose material facts The Defendant Insurers alleged that the Claimant Insured was not
Dangerous Goods
An important Case Study At 21.00 on Wednesday 7 July 2010, while off Port Klang, Malaysia, the Master of the 8,000 TEU containership, M/V "CHARLOTTE MAERSK", reported a fire on the foredeck of the vessel. The vessel and her cargo