What is the Cause of a Cargo Damage?


The container revolution of the 1960s was deemed to be the solution to limiting cargo damage, but has experience proved otherwise? A considerable proportion of the Insurers time is taken up handling container cargo claims where 25% of the damage is physical, 14% temperature related, 11% containers lost overboard, 9% theft and 8% shortage.* It

What is the Cause of a Cargo Damage?2015-06-07T17:46:26+01:00



BILL OF LADING   1.            Definitions In this Bill of Lading the word: 'Carrier' means the party named in the Signature Box on the face hereof; 'Merchant' includes any Person who at any time has been or becomes the Shipper, Holder, Consignee, Receiver of the Goods, any Person who owns or is entitled to possession

CONTRACT OF CARRIAGE2013-11-10T12:39:28+00:00

Σύμβαση Θαλάσσιας Μεταφοράς


Έκδοση καθαρής φορτωτικής. Σύμβαση ασφαλίσεως του μεταφερομένου φορτίου. Διαπίστωση ζημίας μέρους του φορτίου και καταστροφής αυτού κατά την εκφόρτωση.  Υποκατάσταση ασφαλιστή στα δικαιώματα της ασφαλισμένης δυνάμει εκχωρήσεως. Αγωγή αποζημιώσεως. Ρήτρα φορτωτικής περί αποκλειστικής δικαιοδοσίας τωνΡουμανικών Δικαστηρίων για κάθε διαφορά από την επίδικη σύμβαση μεταφοράς.  Απόρριψη αγωγής ως απαραδέκτου λόγω ελλείψεως διεθνούς δικαιοδοσίας ελληνικών δικαστηρίων.  Εισηγητής:

Σύμβαση Θαλάσσιας Μεταφοράς2013-11-07T12:31:01+00:00



ΓΕΝΙΚΕΣ ΑΡΧΕΣ – ΑΝΤΙΚΕΙΜΕΝΟ ΑΣΦΑΛΙΣΗΣ Ο Κλάδος Μεταφορών είναι ο πιο παλιός κλάδος όπου διαπιστώθηκε η πρώτη μορφή ασφάλισης σε κανόνες ασφαλιστικού κινδύνου και ο κλάδος που ασφαλίζει τις ζημιές ή απώλειες των μεταφερομένων εμπορευμάτων έναντι κινδύνων που πιθανόν θα συμβούν κατά τη διάρκεια μεταφοράς τους. Ασφαλίζονται όλα τα μεταφερόμενα εμπορεύματα, όπως μηχανήματα, ανταλλακτικά, πρώτες

ΚΛΑΔΟΣ ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΩΝ2013-07-19T22:39:24+01:00

Liberties Clause (Cl 18) Vs MIA article 48


Clause 18. It is a condition of this insurance that the Assured shall act with reasonable dispatch in all circumstances within their control. It is here to be noted that this protection is automatically provided without requiring the assured to give notice to the Underwriters or to pay an additional premium. Nevertheless, attention is drawn

Liberties Clause (Cl 18) Vs MIA article 482013-02-03T10:41:28+00:00

Increased Value Clause


As per MIA 1906 article 16 Measures of Insurable Value para (3) practicing the meaning of, should make the following notice: The effect of this clause, which is based on the Clause that appeared in certain specialized Institute Trade Clauses, is to oblige the assured to provide the full values to his insurers where he

Increased Value Clause2012-11-25T20:42:43+00:00

Trucking & Transportation a Comprehensive Cover


Greenwoods Cargo team has developed a range of solutions for Trucking business which includes: 1. Motor Truck Cargo Liability insurance (MTC) 2. Auto Physical Damage insurance (APD)         or a combination of both.       For large fleets or difficult to place risks we have excess markets enabling us to provide

Trucking & Transportation a Comprehensive Cover2011-05-22T07:17:42+01:00

The Burden of Proving


Who Bears The Burden of Proving The Cause of Cargo Damage? Where goods are shown to have been loaded in good condition and discharged in damaged condition, it is well established that it is for the carrier to establish that the loss was sustained through a cause for which it is not responsible. In this

The Burden of Proving2011-02-22T20:26:18+00:00

The Breach of Contractual Obligations


Article 29 of CMR and safety-relevant contractual agreements Hitherto, little attention has been paid to a Nuremberg Court of Appeal decision that was issued on 4 February 2009. The court had to rule on the carrier's right to limit its liability in a case in which goods were stolen during international transportation after the carrier

The Breach of Contractual Obligations2011-01-05T22:05:35+00:00

“Container Freight Derivatives”


the way forward for the container industry? The first meeting of the Container Freight Derivatives Association (“CFDA”) was held in Shanghai on 14 September 2010. The CFDA is an independent organization for participants in the container freight derivatives market which, in its own words, has among its aims to “promote the trading of container freight

“Container Freight Derivatives”2010-12-26T10:12:36+00:00
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